Why to Get Tree Trimming Done Before Winter
Now that the fall is here in full swing and the trees are finally shedding their leaves, it’s time to think ahead. No one knows for sure what a Michigan winter will have in store for us this year, but there’s one safe bet: it’ll be pretty cold.
However, it’s important to remember that winters in Kalamazoo aren’t just cold for us; they’re cold for our trees, too. With that in mind, you may be surprised to learn that the winter can actually take a serious toll on trees. In fact, if you have trees on your property that need maintenance, then it could be critical to their health that you prune them soon.
Today, we’re discussing why it’s so essential to get tree trimming done before the winter hits.
How Tree Trimming Prevents Damage to Your Trees
As the winter settles in, your trees will face new adversities that they don’t face during the spring, summer, and fall. If you’ve spent at least one winter in Michigan, then you already know exactly what these adversities are:
- Freezing temperatures
- Blankets of snow
- Ice storms
- Frozen ground
Each of these factors can be a significant danger to unkempt trees on your property. If you have tree limbs extending over your home or vehicles, you may even be at an increased risk. When the winter comes, these limbs will face heavy loads of weight from snow and freezing temperatures that will render them less flexible. Over weeks or months where the snow doesn’t melt, your tree limbs will continuously bear this pressure. Then, one day, they might just snap, possibly causing significant damage to themselves, your property, or perhaps even yourself.
By scheduling tree trimming services in the fall, a professional can help prevent any of this damage in the first place.
The Benefits of Tree Trimming Before Winter
Luckily, the benefits of tree trimming before winter are more than just preventative. In fact, many professionals actually recommend waiting to trim your trees until the cold season begins.
Since trees go dormant in the winter, they won’t attract disease-carrying insects that could spell doom for struggling trees. Instead, the tree will be able to close up the trim wound before the spring comes and insects, birds, and other critters return.
Get Kalamazoo Tree Trimming Services Today
Do you have a tree on your property that you’d like to keep safe and maintained for many winters to come? If so, then our team here at American Arbor is here to help. Click here to contact us about our tree trimming services today!