Why Professional Tree Removal is So Important
Even if you’re aware that tree removal can be a difficult process, you may still be surprised by just how extensive it can be.
If you have a tree you need to remove, the task may seem relatively straightforward at first. But as you proceed, you’ll need to ask yourself questions such as:
- Which way will this tree fall when I cut it?
- What’s the best way to cut this tree?
- Will cutting down this tree damage my property?
If you don’t have answers to these questions, we don’t blame you. Tree removal is surprisingly complex, and often best left to the professionals. In this month’s blog post, we’re discussing some essential tree removal services offered here at American Arbor.
When to Get Tree Removal for Your Home or Business
Determining if it’s time to get a tree removed can feel like a big decision. After all, even if you feel like a tree is at risk of causing property damage, how do you really know?
Well, the reality is that knowing for certain if a tree is going to cause damage is difficult. Instead, assessing risk is more about examining different outcomes of likely scenarios. For instance, a tree that may likely fall in a tornado isn’t too high of a risk if you live in an area that rarely gets tornadoes (such as Rhode Island). However, a tree with only a low-risk of falling during a blizzard should probably be removed if you get frequent blizzards (such as in Michigan winters).
Here are some signs that a tree on your property may be more likely to fall:
- Dead Branches
- Cracks in the Trunk
- Rotten Roots
- Leans of 15 Degrees or More
If you notice any of these signs in trees on your property, then don’t hesitate to contact an arborist.
Stump Grinding
If you’ve removed a tree yourself, then you may have one problem left over: the stump. Stumps can cause huge problems over time, since they’re vulnerable to molds, insects, or diseases, and can even sprout a new tree. For these reasons (and many more) we highly recommend getting stump grinding done sooner rather than later.
Tree Removal and Stump Grinding from a Kalamazoo Arborist
If you have a problematic tree or stump that you need removed, then you shouldn’t have to worry about the risks. To contact professionals that get the job done right every time, contact our team at American Arbor today.